After his playful ‘choorma banter’ with javelin star Neeraj Chopra, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared another lighthearted moment, this time with Paris Olympics bronze medal-winning wrestler Aman Sehrawat. During an interaction with the Indian Olympic contingent at his residence, PM Modi congratulated Aman on becoming India’s youngest Olympic medallist. The Prime Minister, with a broad smile, then asked Aman if he had any of his favourite food after returning from Paris. The 21-year-old Haryana native smiled and replied, “I haven’t gone home yet, sir.”
PM Modi quipped, “Humein bolte, hum banwa dete kuch” (You should’ve told us; we could’ve made something for you!)
Aman, in his typical Haryanvi accent, responded with simplicity, “Ghar jake choorma toh khaange hi (Once I’m home, I’ll definitely have choorma).
Sehrawat, who lost his parents at a tender age of 10, trains and resides at New Delhi’s Chhatrasal Stadium, defeated Puerto Rico’s Darian Toi Cruz 13-5 to win the bronze medal at the Champ-de-Mars Arena and extended India’s wrestling medal streak at the Olympics, which began at the Beijing Games in 2008.
He joined Sushil Kumar, Yogeshwar Dutt, Sakshi Malik, Ravi Dahiya, and Bajrang Punia as India’s Olympics medallist wrestlers.
Earlier, PM Modi had a candid moment with silver medallist Neeraj Chopra during an interaction with athletes ahead of their departure for the Paris Games.
During their humorous banter, PM Modi joked, “Mera choorma abhi tak aaya nahi” (I haven’t received my churma yet), sparking laughter all around.
With a shy smile, Neeraj replied, “Is baar Haryana wala choorma khilayenge sir, pichli baar Delhi ka cheeni wala khaya tha (This time I will treat you with churma from Haryana; last time we had the sugary one from Delhi).”
The Prime Minister eagerly expressed his craving for homemade churma, saying, “Mujhe tumhari maa ke haath ka choorma khana hai” (I want to savour churma made by your mother).
Later, Neeraj’s mother Saroj Devi promised PM Modi that she will send a special ‘choorma’ (a popular delicacy from Haryana and Rajasthan) for him.